A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal
the power of one positive action right now.
Go ahead and go for it.
If you've previously told yourself that it can't be done,
this is the moment to change your assumption.
When you can dream it, imagine it and visualize it,
you can do it.
Instead of making excuses, make some progress.
Instead of looking back with regret,
step forward with enthusiasm.
Choose to define yourself based on the person
you know you can become. Choose to see your life
in terms of the best of what is possible.
If you focus too much on the past, you'll be held back
by limitations that may no longer even exist. Instead,
look forward with positive expectation,
and you'll find yourself quickly moving
in a forward direction.
A new, fulfilling reality is calling to you.
Step forward right now,
and begin to make it happen.
Have a wonderful week ahead!!
Syed Hassan Ali
Senior Group Member
Mobile no:9885290563
Hyderabad India
mail id:shayariworld@
SMS Me on 9885290563
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Thanking you
Aap ka friend
Ganesh Kumble
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