Saturday, April 9, 2011

[Hindi_Jokes] I will be waiting for you . . .



When you are lovingly talking to me 
I feel all the stars are around my eyes 
I feel you are mine.. you belong to me 
I am forgetting all my world & my tears


You can't realize but when I close my eyes 
I feel always  you are talking & smiling inside 
when I spend few minutes with you so lovingly 
In the night my sleep give up me for so many hours 


I have lot of mistakes in my life 
lots of tears and sorrows..
which are so difficult to over come 
so difficult to correct any day
Promise me you will not think of me so much 
because  one of your tear can burn my heart 
I need your smiles , I love your smiles so much 
Do you know.. tears are so familiar  to my heart
maria 1c
If one day you could come to me 
If my life will not be finish 
remember I will be waiting for you 
as today with eyes full of love . . .
maria 1c


Your Missed Calls, Msg, & Chat are Not My Disturbance ...,
But ,,
The Disturbance lies in Ur Silence....
So always be in touch With me.....
`*.¸.*´ Raman Mehta

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