A Few Jokes Today
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My Mother uses lemon juice for her complexion. Maybe that is why she always looks so sour.
I'm not ugly. I could marry anyone I pleased! But that's the problem - you don't please anyone.
Fred: What's that terribly ugly thing on your shoulders? Harry: Help! What is it? Fred: Your head!
She's so ugly that when a wasp stings her it shuts its eyes.
First girl: I spend hours in front of the mirror admiring my beauty. Do you think that's vanity? Second girl: No, it's imagination.
Who won the Monster Beauty Contest? No one.
First Witch: I went to the beauty parlor yesterday. I was there for three hours. Second Witch: Oh, what did you have done? First witch: Nothing, I was just going in for an estimate.
Mrs Saggy: Mrs Wrinkly tried to have a facelift last week. Mrs Baggy: Tried to? Mrs Saggy: Yes, they couldn't find a crane strong enough to lift her face!
They say Margaret is a raving beauty. You mean she's escaped from the funny farm?
First witch: My beauty is timeless. Second witch: Yes, it could stop a clock.
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